Panther Summer music mentors
Looking for a way to fill those long summer hours?
Consider joining the PVPHS Music Boosters' annual music tutoring program this summer with Panther Music Mentors!
Share your love of music with younger students
Make a difference to the future of PVPHS music
Fun way to earn volunteer service hours​
How it works:
We will match interested tutors with students who are mature enough to handle this format, and weekly lessons will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time.
Teach 1 on 1, on your own schedule
You can agree with your student’s parent(s) whether you would like to do the lessons remotely (Teams/Zoom) or in person at an agreed upon location.
You will keep the same student all summer, if you like, so you can really make progress
Use whatever music you would like for the lessons, or let us know if you need help finding some
You can sign up to tutor as few or as many students as you like.
We will confirm the hours you worked and give you service hours.
What a great way to show colleges how you made great use of your time! Dates for the program are 1 week after the end of school to 1 week before the start of school week, but you are not required to tutor all 8-weeks.
Fill out the sign-up form here if you are interested or curious: TBD
Filling out the form is not a commitment - even if you are not sure and just a little bit interested, put your name down to receive further communications.