High School Music Honor groups
Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association (SCSBOA)
The SCSBOA supports students through various conferences, clinics, performance evaluations, among other areas. The SCSBOA sponsors district and regional band, orchestra and solo/ensemble festivals. Provide adjudicators for band, orchestra, solo and ensemble festivals and for field and parade event competitions. The SCSBOA maintains a continuing program to evaluate and update the adjudication forms being used for band and orchestra festivals and field and parade marching competitions.
The SCSBOA sponsors the All-Southern California High School, Middle School, and Elementary Instrumental Honor Groups.
Information is available at: https://www.scsboa.org/
California Orchestra Directors Association (CODA)
California offers a junior high (Grades 7-8) All State Honor String Orchestra, two junior high (Grades 7-8) All-State Honor Bands, a junior high (Grades 7-8) All State Jazz Band, a high school (Grades 9-12) All State Vocal Jazz Ensemble, 3 high school (Grades 9-12) All State Honor Bands, a high school (Grades 9-12) All-State Jazz Band, and a high school (Grades 9-12) All State Honor Full Orchestra that will participate at the CBDA Convention in Fresno.
CBDA administers Woodwind, Brass and Percussion for the All-State Band and Orchestra Auditions.
The California All-State Honor Orchestra takes place during the same weekend as the All-State Honor Bands in Fresno. All Woodwind, brass and percussion students submitting audition CDs will be asked to choose from three options. Option 1: "I am auditioning for either All-State Honor Band or the All-State Honor Orchestra." Option 2: "I am only auditioning for All-State Band." Option 3: "I am only auditioning for All-State Orchestra." All string players audition by going to https://www.codaorchestras.org/home/ and following the instructions on that website.
Information is available at: http://www.cbda.org/index.php/auditions