Percussion consists of Battery and Front Ensemble. During the fall marching season percussion performs as part of the Marching Band ensemble in field shows and competitions.
In the spring, students may choose to participate in Indoor Percussion, a stand-alone indoor competition team with its own field shows. Indoor Percussion members will be required to purchase their own outfits (usually less than $100) and will be asked to cover the extra cost of coaching and transportation (approximately $400)
Indoor Percussion auditions are independent of Marching Band and anyone interested in participating are welcome, no percussion experience is necessary. Winter Guard after school practices are 2 days a week for about 3 hours each, and a few all day camps. Indoor Percussion attends 2 - 4 competitions each season.

Percussion follows the Marching Band schedule in the Fall for performances. Make sure to check the "Take Note!" and other appropriate Marching Band sections for important information, fees, and schedules for the fall season.
Percussion Attire
During Rehearsals
Percussion members follow rehearsal attire guidelines for Marching Band
Competition outfits will be determined at the start of the season
Black Mid-Calf/Crew Socks and Marching Shoes